Date: 07-06-2022
Check out the must-have gear for your paint workshop to run safely.
Commercial and industrial paint workshops have a number of safety equipment requirements that really shouldn’t be ignored. Here we’ve put together our Top 10 for your paint workshop to keep you and your team safe for years to come.
1. Spill Control Kit – Obviously the number 1 position in the top 10 for a reason! Spills are synonymous with painting so these kits will help you maintain and contain that mess! The quicker you get things under control the better, and kits like this supply everything needed such as; chemical gloves, waste bags, kitty litter, absorbent socks 1.2m & 2.4m, abosrbent pads, blue sealer tags, dustpan and brush.
2. Painters Kit Mask - Another key safety item for paint workshops is the face mask - keep particles out and breathing easy. Build up of particles over time can cause serious issues, so invest now in the right mask for the job and your future self will thank you.
3. Glasses - Depending on the type of paint workshop you have, you may need different glasses to protect your eyes from sprays and particles. Ensure you find the correct fit and coverage for your needs.
4. Disposable Overalls - these are an excellent barrier to dust, a wide range of chemicals, and of course paint particles and light spills. Simple yet effective.
5. Calico Hoods - Stop paint and dust getting into ears and hair, and on the parts of your neck you can’t see. Hoods are great as an additional cover item with your overalls.
6. Work Boots - Even paint workshops can be hazardous for feet - cover those toes, ankles and arches with quality and structured protection.
7. Hearing Protection – ear plugs and ear muffs! We too quickly grow accustomed to workshop noises, which can either damage our hearing immediately, or, over time, worsen our hearing. Preventing ear drum or hearing damage is really important for your health. Don’t take the risk.
8. Disposable Gloves - Never run out of disposable gloves in a paint workshop! We don’t want our skin repeatedly exposed to wet paint. Gloves will also help protect against scratches and cuts during the job.
9. Hydration - Hydration is super important when you’re around paint, especially industrial paint. Keeping water coolers, jugs, hydration drinks and gels, and a steady supply of water keeps your mind sharp for those delicate or intense jobs.
10. Sunscreen - When your workshop operates both indoors and outdoors, such as automotive paint businesses, it’s easy to forget sunscreen. Keep an adequate supply and reapply throughout the day.
Top up your safety equipment with AJP Industrial Supplies - log in to order your gear or call our friendly office staff today on 07 4998 5299 !
AJP Industrial Supplies is based in Mackay and Townsville, Queensland and services locally, throughout the Bowen Basin, and nationally across Australia.